Innovation Week Fosters Entrepreneurship

   校园新闻 | Posted on May 15, 2024

第二届年度创新周在bet365中文大学留下了印记, honoring creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurship. 从2024年4月1日至5日,bet365中文充满了各种引人入胜的事件和活动. The theme for the week was “High-Value Relationships,引用了圣经中持久关系的模式,并强调了在整个创新过程中协作和网络的重要性. 创新周的回归还带来了bet365中文大学的演讲比赛.

本周的主题演讲嘉宾是The Cardell Group的首席执行官皮埃尔•奎因. bet365中文大学的校友,获得传播学和神学学位, 奎因也是《bet365中文》和《bet365中文》的作者.” Other activities throughout the week included networking events, 一个晚祷服务和一个展示学生创业摊位的展厅.

第三届年度推介大赛的最后一轮于周五举行, 4月5日, 学生们展示原创的商业创意,有机会赢得实物和现金奖励. 这次活动展示了各种各样的创新想法和创业企业, each vying for the grand prize equivalent of over $13,000. This year’s competition was sponsored by Andrews University, UChicago Medicine AdventHealth Glen Oaks, 华尔街52号, the School of Leadership at Andrews University, 华尔街38号, bet365中文大学创行俱乐部和复临会青年专业人士.

Among the standout participants was Sofiia Ialysheva, whose project “Zahra,” a menstrual resource app tailored for Muslim women, captured the judges’ hearts and imaginations. Speaking about her inspiration and journey, Ialysheva, a senior finance major, 股票, “这个项目非常贴近我的内心,因为我确实认为中东地区的教育存在很大差距, especially related to women's health and menstrual health.”

源于一个旨在支持黎巴嫩难民女孩的非营利组织, “Zahra” blossomed into a platform offering education, support and empowerment for women across various Muslim regions. Ialysheva’s project earned the first-place award of $10,000 as well as the $1,000 People’s Choice Award, 突出了bet365中文大学学生在解决社会需求方面的影响. Along with the monetary awards, Ialysheva also received one year of business coaching, co-working access, and business and mail service.

Second place was awarded to the project “FreshNest,” presented by its CEO and founder Edd Joseph, junior computer science major. FreshNest是一个旨在弥合短租房东(如Airbnb和Vrbo)和清洁工之间差距的科技平台. 作为第二名,FreshNest从比赛赞助商那里获得了8000美元的现金. 约瑟夫州, “这些奖金将有助于加快我们的开发和营销工作. By expediting FreshNest's entry into the market, 我们可以为清洁行业实现“创造更清洁的可能性”的使命. 与FreshNest, hosts can save valuable time and energy, 使他们能够专注于为客人提供卓越的体验.”

Devonte Gilchrist的项目“Breaking The Mold Ministry”获得第三名,获得6美元奖金,000现金. “打破常规事工”是一个在线教会事工,致力于为年轻人提供一个安全的空间,让他们参与基督教并讨论现实生活中的问题. 它最初是为吉尔克里斯特家庭教会的年轻人提供的服务,但在COVID-19大流行期间扩大了规模,吸引了更广泛的受众. 吉尔说, “We plan on using [the winnings] to purchase VR headsets, create a blueprint for building our Metaverse church building, have an in-person retreat and work toward baptisms.”

Two Social Innovation Awards, each totaling $5,000 in grants for projects in Berrien County, 分别授予约瑟夫的“FreshNest”项目和第四名得主帕克·穆伦贝克的“MicroGreens”项目, sophomore accounting major. 其他获奖者和竞争者包括迈克尔·奥乌苏的《bet365中文》, Julison de Souza Mendonca的《bet365中文》和Ilka Ruiz的《bet365中文》.

Matias Soto, director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Andrews University, 揭示了创新周等活动在促进校园社区创业文化方面的重要性. “创新周为我们提供了根据我们的背景来构建创新和创业的机会,他解释道. “它允许我们定义这些术语如何与基督复临安息日会的信仰和历史联系起来, 如何将它们应用到我们独特的大学中,如何将它们用作改变世界的工具."

今年的创新周活动由bet365中文大学研究生协会(AUGSA)赞助。, Center for Faith Engagement, Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities (SILA). Through partnerships like these, 该活动不仅庆祝创新,还促进参与者和与会者之间的合作和交流机会.

The success of Innovation Week extends beyond the campus, 与更广泛的当地社区产生共鸣,并引发重要的对话. Looking ahead, the event promises to continue making an impact. 索托说, “我坚信,bet365中文大学的学生是全国最具创新精神和创业精神的学生之一." As plans for the next iteration of Innovation Week take shape, 校园期待着成为创新中心的新篇章, creativity and positive change.

For more information on the Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Andrews University, visit their 网站.

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